[ Character ]
Name: Clåud
Spec: Retri
Class: Paladin
Why do u use this spec? Easier questing while not in a guild.
Would respec if needed for the guild?: Yes, planning to respec protection soon even though my prot gear is mostly lvl 70 epics.
Experience in what big raid instances? (Pre TBC, TBC and WotLK): ZG clear, AQ20 clear, AQ40 clear, MC clear, BWL clear, Onyxia clear, Few bosses in naxx pre-tbc, Gruul clear, Magtheridon clear, SSC clear, TK clear, BT clear, 4/5 MH, No exp in Wotlk raids so far.
Time Played (/played): 71days 16hours
When did you start playing WoW?: Soon 4 years ago.
Any high level professions? Can you craft anything useful worth mentioning?: 450 Herbalism, 425 Potion Master Alchemist
[ Gear ]
Please post a link to your Armory profile here:
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Magtheridon&n=Cl%C3%A5udArcane Resistance:
Fire Resistance:
Frost Resistance:
Nature Resistance:
Shadow Resistance:
[ Previous Guild ]
Guild: SoS
Reason for leaving: (Former paladin class leader) Guild came back after a disband, but it just wasent the same as before.
[ Raids ]
When are you able to play?
(example. Friday: 15:00 - 23:00)
Monday: whole day after 12:00
Tuesday: whole day after 14:15
Wednesday: whole day after 12:00
Thursday: whole day after 12:00
Sunday: whenever
[ You ]
Real Name: Morten
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Location: Denmark
MSN/E-Mail/Other contact information:
Tidus_182@hotmail.comDo you have a microphone to use with Ventrilo?: No working mic, got Ventrilo.
Do you have a stable internet connection ?: Yes.
Do you speak/write/understand proper English?: Yes.
Do you know someone in Schwing who would recommend you?: Fnìss, Maybe Elathin/Ninney.
What is your motivation to join Schwing?: To have fun.